Sign up for the Teacher Training Mindful Selfcompassion (MSC)

Sign up for the Teacher Training Mindful Selfcompassion (MSC)

Dear interested in the MSC teacher training,

The Center for Mindful Self-Compassion has carefully considered the questions on this registration form for the Mindful Self-Compassion training course.

Answers will necessarily contain personal information, but this information will only be viewed and treated confidentially by the MSC Teacher Training Team. If you do not wish to answer any of the questions in writing, please note this in the answer section of that question and provide contact details (telephone or email address) that can be contacted to discuss this privately. Similarly, someone from the teaching team can reach out for a private conversation to clarify some of the answers on the form.

Since this teacher training is given in English, the questionnaire is also in English. However, it is no problem to answer in Dutch. Please note that all training material is provided in English.

"*" indicates required fields

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Personal information

Preferred name for use in correspondence (if different from above) Please note your personal pronouns in the space below. Please leave blank if you prefer not to answer. (Why Pronouns Matter? Learn more via: